Friday, December 28, 2007

Wii Wii Wii All The Way Home

Soooo . . . some of you may be thinking that I'm not cut out to be a blogger. Time will tell I suppose but I have just been so busy. My family came for Christmas and just left yesterday. Matt's family is arriving from Michigan today (his mom, dad, sister, brother in law, and sister's baby). So I'm sure that you will understand that I have been vacuuming, mopping, shopping, cooking, planning for their visit . . .

. . . NOT!!!

OK, I've been doing some of those things.

But we have another, more permanent guest in our home.

He lives in Marshall's room, though he spends some late nights in the living room.

His name is Wii.

Who else has this crazy amazing addicting friend in their home!! It is soooo cool!

And such a workout! I was up until l:30 a.m. last night honing my home run hitting skills. I am so sore this morning. And how 'bout that tennis???

I am embarrassed of my "fitness age" but I know you will all want to know. It is dreadful but I have improved. I started at 71. Improved a little to 67. And last night jumped to 52!!

It was then that I decided that I needed to start the training session. I am really good at the bowling but my tennis was mediocre and my home runs were few and far between (I had only hit one after three days).

Tonight my fitness score will be off the charts. After severall sessions with the trainer I can hit 4 home runs out of 10 pitches. I had just been holding the controller wrong . . . and had a little problem with my timing. I also practiced my tennis and got a little more consistent. Maybe tonight I will only be in my forties.

Wii owners of the world . . . you need to go rent SSX Blur. It's a snowboarding game. We had the SSX Tricky version for PS2 and loved it, but this game takes SSX tricky to a whole new level. We rented it from Blockbuster but now I think I need to pressure Marshall to spend his Christmas money on purchasing it. JK!

Wii non-owners of the world . . . come on over and play! We don't watch TV anymore. Heck, we barely eat supper.

Wii love playing with the Wii!

Who else is waking up with sore arms and shoulders from all that Wii-ing?


Hendrick Family said...

Yes! This thing is KILLING me!

Andy said...

We want to come over and play!!! That sounds like so much fun. Are you sharing? I hope so.

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Wii want to come and play!!!!

Mindi said...

Hey, friends! I nearly beat Matt at doubles tennis tonight. With time and training (whilst he doth go off to work, hi ho, hi ho), I'm sure I will beat him tonight!

Ummmm . . . since Matt might be reading this . . . I cannot tell a lie. I did NOT almost beat him. But in the last set (best 3 out of 5) I gave him a good fight, sort of.

Yes, Andy, Monica, Kathryn, Michael, and Alex . . . you should SO come and play! But I kind of have a lot of company until next week. And THEN the Wii fun will begin. Maybe we can get a tournament going? Should Wii play
Tennis, Bowling, Baseball, Boxing, or Golf??? (please don't say golf, it's so boring)